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Our History

Tisoco is a company founded in 1950 in Colombia by German KURT TIECK with the purpose of commercialization of products and supplies for different industries such as: leather, textiles, ceramics and refractories, chemistry, paints. Offering a wide portfolio of products to meet the needs of different sectors. Dedicated to the direct importation of products in the country, in different zones of the country such as the coffee axis, valley, north of Santander, atlántico, Bogotá and Medellín.


Tisoco SAS, its mission is to represent and commercialization with quality and good service all the chemicals that belong to the leather, plastic, textile, painting, loco, flexo grafía, lithography industries, and coffee ensuring compliance and satisfaction of Needs and expectations of all our customers.


Tisoco SAS as a representative and marketer seeks to position its products in the domestic and South American market through a significant market share, good service and excellent quality in its products.



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